Hari Artesana Rose Quartz, Pyrite, Coral Earrings


P Y R I T E 

Element: Fire

Chakra: All


Pyrite is best known for being a $$ magnet. But some history on this cool rock expands its repertoire a bit. The name “Pyrite” comes from the Greek word for Fire (as in,  pyre) because if struck with iron, it can create a spark.  And way back when, Pyrite was polished to a high shine to make mirrors. Fire=Motivation  Reflective=Protection (negative energy bounces off me and sticks to you).

R O S E  Q U A R T Z

Element: Water

Chakra: Heart


Rose Quartz is usually referred to as the gateway crystal.  Typically everyone’s first in their collection.  It is all about L-O-V-E and its rich history only deepens the heart chakra vibes.  The Romans claimed that it was a gift from Cupid, bestowing love, passion and joy to the Earth.  It can help release negative feelings, open your heart and allow for the space to accept all of the love that surrounds us, and pay it forward.

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