Amethyst: What’s the fuss about?

You’ve probably heard of amethyst—arguably the world’s most popular crystal. Known to calm the mind, boost the immune system, and foster spiritual growth, this stone is considered a jack of all trades. Its usage dates back to 25,000 BC, while its name comes from the Greek word “amethystos,” meaning sober—a nod to its healing, sobering properties. 

Amethyst Crystal Meaning

Amethyst is a highly spiritual stone, connected to the third eye and crown chakra. Its color exudes a soothing energy, ranging from light purple to deep violet. As a variety of quartz, it is highly durable and often used to make jewelry. It’s commonly sourced from countries in South America, including Brazil and Uruguay. 

This gemstone belongs to the air element, underscoring its connection to the breath of life. Like other crystals of this element, it inspires adaptability, intellect, and communication. Amethyst is February’s birthstone, hence its connection to the Pisces zodiac. Pisces are said to be emotionally sensitive and aware; in the same vein, amethyst is said to balance emotions.  

In Ancient Greece, it was believed that this gemstone would protect people from the dangers of drinking or prevent intoxication altogether. While this theory has been debunked, it rings true that drinking can cause emotions to run high, weaken mental clarity, compromise one’s spiritual well-being, or give rise to poor decision making. Anecdotally, amethyst serves as a tool to keep us grounded, in control, and in tune with the Divine. 

Here’s why you need amethyst in your crystal toolbox:


This purple gemstone helps us enter a state of flow, easing anxiety and absorbing negativity. In this way, it balances our emotions and pacifies mood swings. This brings us a greater sense of control, amplifying our trust in both ourselves and the Universe. Keeping amethyst in your home is especially useful for creating an atmosphere of calm and balance. 

As a healing stone, amethyst can reduce perceptions of pain. It can also help us remember and interpret dreams. To induce relaxation, it helps to keep amethyst near your bedside, along with rose quartz and celestite. (Our Night’s Dream Moon Bowl includes everything you need for serenity and sweet dreams.)

Inner Peace

Amethyst radiates a calming energy—even its warm, purple hues are calm. It’s one of the best stones for achieving peace of mind, helping us recognize our inner strength and tune out our fears. Just as mediation and other forms of self-care dispel doubts and worries, so does amethyst. Accordingly, it is a great stone to keep close for those who experience anxious thoughts and feelings. 


By opening the third eye, amethyst aids in intuition and clarity. It’s linked to our pineal gland, located in the center of our brain. Both literally and figuratively, the pineal gland allows us to see the light. In the figurative sense, it connects us to the Divine, fostering spiritual growth and a sharper sixth sense. Using amethyst, we ascend to higher planes, making it a very spiritual stone. 


Connected to the crown chakra, amethyst aids in free thinking. It links the physical and spiritual realms, as it has a sobering effect in terms of spiritual clarity. Its soothing presence guides us to trust in divine guidance and grow into our highest selves. For these reasons, it fosters wisdom and promotes spiritual awakenings. It’s no surprise that amethyst has been used for thousands of years. Its meaning is attached to living our best, balanced lives, and when have peace and wisdom ever been a bad thing? Amethyst is at the top of our list for must-have crystals; click here to find which amethyst stone of ours is calling your name.

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