VitaJewel Inu Water Bottle – Elevation


C L E A R  Q U A R T Z 

Element: Spirit

Chakra: All 


Clear Quartz has quite a mystical history, as well as many modern day practical uses and they so effectively portray its attributes.  Cq was used in crystal balls during the Middle Ages to amplify clairvoyants’ powers of foresight by acting as a focal point. It is still used in timepieces today because its frequency helps to regulate the movements and maintain their accuracy.

G O L D E N  R U T I L A T E D   Q U A R T Z

Element: Fire

Chakra: Solar Plexus


Gr is the perfect stone to amplify your intentions as you manifest. It combines the clarity and amplification properties of Clear Quartz, the grounding properties of Smoky Quartz, and the acceleration properties of Rutile. It allows you to attune to your highest, most authentic self and heighten your conscious awareness, with the knowledge that the Universe will deliver what you’re asking for (or something even better!).

H E R K I M E R  Q U A R T Z

Element: Spirit

Chakra: All


Herkimer Quartz, often called a diamond due to its faceting and glimmer, is the master in a class of master healers. It goes by the term “Stone of Attunement” said to provide the means to form strong energetic connections to achieve high levels of self awareness and bolster a sense of community. Used in meditation and healing practices, Herkimer Quartz can manifest pure Light and amplify spiritual energy.

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