Labradorite and Pink Tourmaline Statement Ring


This ring is adjustable and fits most sizes.

P I N K  T O U R M A L I N E  

Element: Water

Chakra: Heart, Crown 


If you’re feeling weighed down by heavy emotions, pink tourmaline can help ease your distress. This stone is a reminder to practice self-compassion and be kind to yourself. If you’re struggling with heartbreak of any kind, this stone’s healing energies will guide you back into the swing of things. As you navigate tough times, Pt encourages you to give yourself grace and reminds you that “this too shall pass.”

L A B R A D O R I T E 

Element: Water

Chakra: 3rd Eye


Labradorite, when it catches the light, is pure magic. It has been said that the Northern Lights are trapped inside this crystal, which is hard to deny when you find the rainbow glow. This stone reminds us to live in the present moment and embrace everyday miracles. If we pay attention, there is magic all around us. Remember this, and you’ll start noticing synchronicities everywhere!

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