


a thing that prevents someone or something from suffering harm

Tourmalinated Quartz – Protection Amplifier

Black Tourmaline – Negativity Chaser

Shungite – Detox Specialist

3 tumbles in a 2.5″ selenite bowl.

T O U R M A L I N A T E D  Q U A R T Z 

Element: Spirit

Chakra: 3rd Eye


Tourmalinated Quartz is a powerful healing crystal that combines the energies of Quartz and Black Tourmaline.  The Bt serves as a protective shield, while the quartz purifies and amplifies energy resulting in a more balanced, harmonious and grounded emotional state. This same energy can be equally as effective in diminishing negative thought patterns we have about ourselves.

B L A C K  T O U R M A L I N E

Element: Earth

Chakra: Root


Black Tourmaline is considered the best stone for protection. It is commonly used for grounding and as a shield against negative energy. For people heading into difficult situations or trying to crawl out of challenging times, this stone is a must-have. It gives us the strength to work through our hardships and rise above them. (For optimal use, it should be regularly cleansed and recharged. Selenite is a good option, here.)


S H U N G I T E 

Element: Earth

Chakra: Root


Shungite has a job to do, an important job.  Sh is your shield.  Your cleaner.  Protecting from negative energy, protecting from EMF (electromagnetic fields).  Clearing out toxic patterns.  Shungite is loaded with carbon molecules, long touted for their purification properties.  It is perfectly placed on your phone, next to your electronics or a hunk in your bath (known to be further activated by Water).

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