Flower Agate/Pink Amethyst Small Tower


F L O W E R  A G A T E

Element: Water

Chakra: 3rd Eye


The markings in Flower Agate crystals are where you find all the magic.  Like a lotus flower, beautiful plumes appear to be growing from murky Waters, reminding and motivating us to strive for our Hearts’ desires.  Seed-like inclusions, along with the blossom plumes, encourage the notion of self-growth and fulfilling your destiny.

P I N K  A M E T H Y S T

Element: Air

Chakra: Heart, Crown


Pink Amethyst is a potent heart healer, facilitating the release of trauma and fostering mental clarity through its connection between the heart and crown chakras. Its gentle, feminine energy offers soulful nourishment and comfort. Let it serve as a reminder to exhale what no longer serves you and inhale radiant, loving energy.

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