Self Care



the practice of taking action to preserve or improve one’s health

Lepidolite – Find Calm

Pink Aventurine – Cultivate Support

Amazonite – Be Hopeful

3 tumbles in a 2.5″ selenite bowl.

L E P I D O L I T E 

Element: Water

Chakra: Heart, Crown


Lepidolite is said to help with emotional balance. It contains lithium flakes which help stabilize one’s mood, calming the nervous system. With this stone, anxiety is dispelled and inner peace is welcomed. Because of its nurturing, maternal properties, Lp is the perfect companion for overcoming fear and worry. Clear your mind, and know that all is well.

P I N K  A V E N T U R I N E 

Element: Water

Chakra: Heart


Pink Aventurine’s coloring comes from reddish hematite inclusions, and along with the color change, they bring a sense of calm and fortitude.  With any pink stone, the notion of love and self care are promoted too, and Pa does not fail these crystal rules.  Carry it with you as a reminder to be gentle with you, take things easy.

A M A Z O N I T E 

Element: Water

Chakra: Heart


Amazonite has been called the Hope Stone, encouraging good fortune to come to its owner.  It possesses soothing properties to help dispel nerves, negative thoughts and energy.  There are 2 theories for the naming of this stone: first, after its early known discovery spot, the Amazon River basin, and second, in honor of the Amazons, the fierce female warriors.

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