The Power of Venus Retrograde in Leo

Astrology enthusiasts eagerly anticipate celestial events such as planetary retrogrades for the unique energies they bring. Among these, the Venus retrograde in Leo stands out as a  particularly vibrant and transformative period. 

Taking place on July 22nd, Venus will retrograde at 28 degrees of Leo for the first time since 2015. This 40-day period has the ability to impact each zodiac sign in slightly different ways, but every sign should consider their relationships with things that bring them pleasure and satisfaction. Venus, the planet of love, beauty, and self-expression, moving through the sign of Leo adds an element of fiery passion and boldness to its retrograde period. Leo is associated with creativity, leadership, self-confidence, and the desire for recognition. When Venus retrograde occurs in Leo, it encourages us to dive deep into our hearts, express ourselves authentically, and reconsider our approach to relationships.

Areas of Influence and How to Navigate Them:

The combination of Venus and Leo during retrograde brings forth powerful themes and influences. Let’s explore some key areas that may be affected during this period and some strategies to make the most of the opportunities this retrograde will bring:

1. Self-Expression: Venus retrograde in Leo invites us to examine how we express ourselves creatively, authentically, and confidently. It encourages us to explore our unique talents and passions, fostering self-assurance and embracing our individuality. Use this period to connect with your true self and embrace your talents and unique qualities without fear of judgment. Let your inner light shine brightly. A good stone to utilize during this time is Blue Aragonite due to its powers to activate the throat chakra and bring hidden feelings to the surface, allowing us to experience profound emotional growth.

2. Relationships and Love: This retrograde can spark introspection and transformation within our relationships. It prompts us to reevaluate the balance between our personal desires and the needs of our partners to nurture healthy boundaries. Seek open and honest communication, allowing for growth, compromise, and a deeper connection. Rhodonite is a perfect stone to make use of when healing your heart and forming a stronger heart to mind connection. Utilize it during the retrograde to forgive past hurt in your relationships or find the confidence to accept new relationships.

3. Creativity and Passion: With Leo’s creative energy amplified by Venus, this retrograde period is an ideal time to reignite our artistic pursuits and explore new creative ventures. It encourages us to embrace our creative visions and express ourselves fearlessly. Whether it’s painting, writing, dancing, or any other form of self-expression, engage in creative endeavors that bring you joy and tap into the passion and fire within. A stone to complement this influence is Red Jasper, a stone for warriors, which aligns with the
amplification of creative energy during the Retrograde as it ignites passion while promoting courage and stamina.

4. Self-Love and Self-Care: Venus retrograde in Leo reminds us of the importance of self-love and self-confidence. It encourages us to celebrate our unique qualities, have self-compassion, and prioritize activities that nurture our well-being. Practice positive affirmations, engage in activities that make you feel empowered, and cultivate a strong sense of self-worth. Use Pink Aventurine to promote the notion of love and self-care, reminding you to be gentle with yourself and creating a sense of calm and fortitude.

The Venus retrograde in Leo brings forth a powerful and transformative energy that encourages
self-expression, creativity, and authentic living. By embracing our true selves, exploring our passions, nurturing our relationships, and prioritizing self-care, we can harness the energy of this period to foster personal growth and confidently radiate our inner light. Let this retrograde be a time of self-discovery, creative exploration, and the celebration of our unique authenticity.

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